Rocket Electronic Reshef Fuzes

ResheFuze AR176
Artillery Rocket Electronic Point Detonating Fuze
The AR176 is an Electronic Point Detonating fuze for artillery
rocket systems that is widely compatible with all calibers.
With artillery rockets having high explosive (HE) warheads; with calibers of 2.75”, 110mm – 300mm.
Air driven (turbine) alternator.
Arming of the fuze occurs only after two independent conditions are sensed:
- Set back forces for a minimum duration.
- Sustained air flow through the fuze.
Set-back: Acceleration of 20g minimum for a duration of 1.2 seconds minimum. Air Flow: 200m/s minimum. Arming distance: 500m from muzzle, minimum. Safety pull wire: There is no use of a safety pull wire.
Booster pellet: 21g of CH-6.
Operation: From -40°c to +63°c Storage: From -46°c to +71°c
Overall length: 183.5mm Intrustion depth: 55.0mm Cross section diameter: 64.0mm Standard thread size: M45 x 2-6g Weight: 0.82kg Note: The dimensions given here are for the 122m rocket version.
MIL-STD-331: Environmental and performance tests for fuze and fuze components. MIL-STD-1316: Fuze design, safety criteria. STANAG 4187: Fuzing system – safety design requirements.